This is Montreal Street Fighter.

May 2024

Canada probably isn’t the first place you think of when you think of the fighting game community. French-Canada, even less likely so. But, much like the rest of the world, a long-dormant scene is awakening, experiencing a revival. People are leaning their heads out of the igloos, dusting off the snow and seeing for themselves – fighting games are back.

In Montreal, meet-ups in living rooms and arcade graveyards became weekly gatherings over nachos and beer at a lounge. People backpacked their consoles and sticks out in the middle of bar crowds, just to call next, to put up a quarter in spirit. Word of mouth spread to once thriving, but now dying arcades and the Facebook walls. Before long, players found themselves getting together, getting organized, and getting that hunger for victory and for glory, once again. In time, a solid community formed, driven by united motivation. It all just came together. And that’s when the trash talking began.

Or rather, that’s when it returned. The rivalries, the money matches, the crew battles, the tournaments, the high stakes pressure, the whispered knowledge, the execution muscle memory, the custom arcade sticks, the sudden desire to be king of this rediscovered hill. The HYPE.

Today, the hype drives us. It drove us to build our own console arcade, accommodating the thriving community, from daily grinding to seasonal events. It drove us to travel across the states and provinces, competing in all major tournaments that we come across, seeking out that same driven competitive edge from everywhere around us. It drives us to continue to build on a reputation started many games ago. The hype drives us to a common goal of placing our city back on the map as one of the competitive capitals of the fighting game world.